Lia hopes that the haunting will stop after Cassie is interred. She buys him food, and he doesn’t judge her.

Lia and Elijah develop a friendship of sorts. At Cassie’s funeral service, Lia sees the dead Cassie sit up in her casket and eat a piece of green see-glass - which is supposed to tell the future. But soon her visions become more intense. Lia can escape them by sleeping with her stepsister, Emma, taking sleeping pills or exercising until she collapses from exhaustion. At first, the visits happen only at night. On the night she died, Lia received 33 calls from Cassie’s cellphone. Not only did she and Cassie swear a blood oath to be the skinniest girls in their school, but she deliberately sabotaged Cassie’s attempts to recover from bulimia. Lia feels responsible for Cassie’s death. She lies about what she’s eating, skips school to cut herself with razor blades in dark movie theatres and travels alone to meet Elijah - a guy she’s never met who works at the seedy Gateway Motel where Cassie died. Lia feels her life spiraling out of control, and her weight continues to drop. But she can’t starve herself forever.Ĭassie, Lia’s best friend, dies.

She feels trapped between life and death, torn between the desire to eat and the power she feels when starving herself. Lia is a high school senior with divorced but independently successful parents, a caring stepmom and a little stepsister who adores her.